大会実行委員長挨拶 (Message from the Chair of the Organizing Committee)


浜松での第36 回日本微生物生態学会大会は、JR 浜松駅から歩いて直ぐの浜松ACT CITY コングレスセンターで開催され、非常に利便性の高い場所でした。しかも、立派な施設であり、特にポスター会場は広大で、ゆったりとしたポスター配置になっていました。そのため、見たいポスターへの移動はスムーズであり、発表者と適切な距離で議論することができたように感じます。余裕のあるポスター配置は好評でした。また、会場には静岡茶等のサービスカウンターが設けられていて、休憩ならびに会話を弾ませる効果がありました。大会運営者のおもてなしを感じました。

浜松大会は、第13 回ASME(Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology)も同時開催されたこともあり、国際性豊かで、発表件数も多く、盛況な大会であったと思います。期間中に研究者の方から数多くの研究アイデアをいただくことができました。夜の部では、浜松名物を楽しみながら、研究の花を咲かせることができました。参加された皆様はいかがでしたか。きっと、同様に満喫・堪能されたことでしょう。

さて、次回の第37 回微生物生態学会広島大会は,広島国際会議場にて2024年10月28日(月)〜31日(木)に開催されます。平和記念公園内にある施設で、広島平和記念資料館(重要文化財)に隣接しており、両建物は公共建築百選にも指定さています。研究に浸って疲れた時には、資料館(入館料 大人200円)を見学され、平和について考える時間を持たれてはどうでしょうか。あー、息抜きにはならないかもしれませんね。




The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology was held at the Hamamatsu ACT CITY Congress Center, which is conveniently located just a short walk from JR Hamamatsu Station. The venue was excellent, especially the poster area, which was spacious and had ample space for posters, making it easy to move between posters of interest and discuss with presenters at an appropriate distance. The generous layout of the poster area was well received. Additionally, the venue featured service counters offering Shizuoka tea and other refreshments, which facilitated relaxation and lively conversations. We felt the hospitality of the conference organizers.

The Hamamatsu meeting was also notable for simultaneously hosting the 13th ASME (Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology), making it an international and vibrant event with a large number of presentations. During the conference, I received numerous research ideas from fellow researchers. In the evenings, we enjoyed Hamamatsu’s local specialties while engaging in research discussions. How did you find the experience? I am sure you enjoyed and fully appreciated it as well.

The next, 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology will be held at the Hiroshima International Conference Center from October 28 (Monday) to October 31 (Thursday), 2024. This facility is located within the Peace Memorial Park, adjacent to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (an important cultural property), and both buildings are selected as one of the 100 Best Public Buildings. When you feel the need for a break from your research, why not visit the museum (admission fee: 200 yen for adults) and take a moment to reflect on peace? Although, it might not be the best way to unwind.

At the previous meeting in Sapporo, there were innovative measures to reduce the burden on the conference organizers, such as no standing signs, no reception desk, and no cloakroom staff, emphasizing the importance of science. In contrast, the Hamamatsu meeting was a comfortable event full of hospitality. For the Hiroshima meeting, the organizing committee is striving to incorporate the best aspects of both meetings. We look forward to your participation with great anticipation.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we sincerely look forward to your participation.

Chairman of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology

Akira Ohashi (Hiroshima University)

大会概要 (Event overview)

主催日本微生物生態学会 (Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology)
開催方式対面開催 (in-person event)
会場広島県広島市中区中島町1−5 広島国際会議場
1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima International Conference Center
October 28, 2024 – October 31, 2024

スケジュール (Schedule)


Please refer to the conference program. We are planning to include general oral presentations (some sessions will be in English), poster presentations, open meetings, symposiums, luncheon seminars, and high school student posters.


事務局からのご連絡について (Announcements from the committee)


We use the email address info@2024.jsme-conference.net for communications from the secretariat. Please ensure that you can receive emails from this address. Please note that we are unable to respond to emails sent to this address. For inquiries, please contact us at annual.conference@microbial-ecology.jp.

大会実行委員会 (Organizing Committee)
